Implementation of e-sales transactions and product configuration and visualization solutions

UAB "Admedija" implements the project under the progress measure "Encouraging companies to digitize", the purpose of which is to create and implement e- a sales transaction solution for the company's products and services and to develop and implement a product and service visualization solution. The project will contribute to the digitization of the company's activities and increase its competitiveness. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project name: "E. implementation of sales transaction conclusion and product configuration and visualization solutions at Admedija UAB;

Project manager: UAB "Admedija";

Start of project implementation: 2024-05-29;

End of project implementation: 2025-05-29;

Total project budget: 49,942.25 EUR, of which the part funded by the European Union is 24,971.12 EUR.